CMHA Consumer Advisory Group

INVITATION TO CMHA PERSONS SERVED ADVISORY GROUP: CMHA and the Chair of the Advisory Group, Malkia Newman, are inviting any persons served, currently or in the past, by Michigan’s public mental health system, as well as family members of persons, to the next meeting of the Persons Served Advisory Group of the Community Mental Health Association of Michigan (CMHA). The time, date, and location of that meeting and the background of this Advisory Group are provided below.


REQUEST: It would be greatly appreciated if your organization would, as you have in the past, distribute this notice to persons served by your organization and their families.




Topic: CMHA Persons Served Advisory Group

Time: Jan 19, 2022 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 818 1092 2970

Passcode: 370348

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+12063379723,,81810922970#,,,,*370348# US (Seattle)

+12133388477,,81810922970#,,,,*370348# US (Los Angeles)


Dial by your location

        +1 206 337 9723 US (Seattle)

        +1 213 338 8477 US (Los Angeles)

Meeting ID: 818 1092 2970

Passcode: 370348

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Purposes of Persons Served Advisory Group: The purposes of the Persons Served Advisory Group are to:


  • directly incorporate the voices of persons served (those with lived experiences), in addition to those on the Association’s Executive Board and on the Association’s committees, into the dialogue and decision making of the Association.
  • advise the Association’s Executive Board by discussing any of a number of issues drawn from the Executive Board agenda and other sources, most notably those involving legislation, policy, and political advocacy.
  • link to each other, for dialogue, support, and shared wisdom, persons served and with lived experience from across the state.


The Chairpersons of the Advisory Group will communicate the views and recommendations of the Advisory Group to the CMHA Board of Directors relative to the items discussed by the Advisory Group.


This Advisory Group is not intended to replace or compete with the views of persons served who: are members of the Boards of Directors, are staff or volunteers of the Association’s members, nor who provide their views to the Association’s members in many other ways.


Membership: The members of the Advisory Group are persons who are currently served or have been served by Michigan’s public mental health system as well as the family members of persons served


Thank you, in advance, for your assistance with this effort.


If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact Bob Sheehan at