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Community Wellness: Dr. Oz's tips for longer, healthier life

Community Wellness: Dr. Oz's tips for longer, healthier life

October 09, 2015

By Robert Lathers

Posted Oct. 9, 2015 at 10:46 PM

Earlier this week I attended a conference in Washington, D.C. where Dr. Mehmet Oz, “Dr. Oz” to most everyone, delivered a dynamic presentation. He began by stating, “Recovery is real!” He went on to share that, “We control 70% of how long and well we live.”

Dr. Oz explained that there are five fundamental things every person can do to be healthier and live longer:

1) Work to get blood pressure to 115/75;

2) Do 30 minutes of exercise, like walking, every day;

3) Plan and monitor our diets;

4) Manage stress, especially through getting enough sleep; and

5) Work to curtail our addictions.

Granted, none of these are simple or easy, but they are more or less within our reach.

To begin a plan to improve your life quality and expectancy, talk to your healthcare provider. If you need assistance with debilitating stress or addictions, call Ionia Community Mental Health, “The Right Door for Hope, Recovery and Wellness,” at 616-527-1790, or our 24-hour crisis line at 888-527-1790, and we will meet with you so that you can “Take charge of You!”

Robert Lathers, LMSW, is the CEO of Ionia County Community Mental Health, soon to be “The Right Door for Hope, Recovery and Wellness.” His email address is He welcomes your comments and questions.